content="latest news,current news headline,national news,local news today,latest online news,breaking news,bangla news,online bangla news,news,morning news,bangla top news" content="hridoy khan" Paraguay hangs bronze in exhibition sport - ONLINE BANGLA SITE

Paraguay hangs bronze in exhibition sport

The Paraguayan Helena Hernandez proudly displays her bronze medal in the bikini fitness modality. PHOTO: Oscar Villalba
22 hours ago
Paraguay not only sedestaca in the official sports modalities of these South American Games "Cochabamba 2018", but also excels in the exhibition of bodybuilding, where the Paraguayan representative Helena Hernandez managed to hang the bronze medal.

The Paraguayan was grateful and gave back the confidence deposited in her with the bronze medal in the bikini fitness modality up to 1.63 meters, competition that took place on Thursday night in the modern and cozy facilities of the Gran Hotel Cochabamba.

"I really feel very grateful for this experience and I hope to continue adding points in later competitions", said the Paraguayan athlete enthusiastically.

The bodybuilding attended this athletic event official game in the next Pan-American Championship "Lima 2019".
as an exhibition sport aiming to be

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